[evergreen-outreach] Q4 Spotlight: Irene Patrick

Andrea Buntz Neiman abneiman at equinoxoli.org
Mon Dec 6 11:39:55 EST 2021

Hi all,

Here's the draft blog post highlighting Irene Patrick, our Q4 Community


Please let me know any corrections by the end of the day tomorrow 12/7 and
I'll post it to the website.


Andrea Buntz Neiman
Project Manager for Software Development
Equinox Open Library Initiative
abneiman at equinoxOLI.org <abneiman at equinoxoli.org>
1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457) x5583
*https://www.equinoxOLI.org/ <https://www.equinoxOLI.org/>*
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