[evergreen-outreach] version 2 of annual report

Andrea Buntz Neiman abneiman at equinoxoli.org
Fri Jun 10 16:57:08 EDT 2022

Thanks Rogan, this is great! Results of my critical read are below.


Cover - OK

P. 1 - recommend substituting the pull quote with a heading like "A message
from the Board President", since the pull quote duplicates the first

P. 2 - "Following up the main conference we had both documenters and
developers use the *last final *for work fests." -- either last day, or
final day, but last final sounds like college :)

"With both events being able to include many people that it had not been
able to before one future question for events, once we return to meeting in
person, will be to what degree can we include online components." --
suggested revision: "Holding both events online let us include people who
had not been able to attend before. Once we return to meeting in person, we
will need to decide to what degree we can still have online options."

P. 3 - "Irene Patrick, Electronic Resources Librarian at the State Library
of North Carolina," -- suggest adding "former" before her title

"During her time with the State Library of North Carolina, Irene *has been*"
- suggest changing to "was".

Suggest adding a sentence at the end "Irene retired from the State Library
in April 2022, and we wish her well in her new adventures!" or something
like that.

P. 4 - pending

P. 5 - OK

P. 6 - the EG logo looks off-center to me

P. 7 - "*CWG *meets" -- should be "Cat IG"

"Check out #evergreen on *Freenode *IRC" -- should be Libera

P. 8 - Typo: stray "=" at the end of the Outreach blurb

Typo: missing h at the beginning of the RIG URL

And this is really nitpicky but Reports has a different Meeting Schedule
syntax than everyone else's - suggest changing to "The Reports Interest
Group meets on the last Wednesday of the month" to match everyone else

P. 9 - Byline for this content?

P. 10 - I might swap this with P. 9 in the ordering but it's not a hill to
die on

P. 11 - "Link, Shulamit" -- might be better as Shulamit Link? also, typo
"liscensed" in the next line.

"the Outreach Committee including *Andrea Buntz-Neiman, Debbie Luchdell*,
Jennifer Weston, Rogan Hamby, Ruth Frasur" and here's that spell check: no
hyphen for me; and Debbie *Luchenbill*

Another nitpick: if you're going to center the bottom two lines, make more
of a space between them and the preceding matter.  Also maybe fiddle a bit
so "year" isn't all by itself.

P. 12 - correct freenode to Libera

On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 3:15 PM Rogan Hamby via evergreen-outreach <
evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:

> Please use a critical eye on what is there.  I still need to fill in the
> Youtube page but the goal is to get it out the door next Thursday.  If you
> identify a problem with content, needing graphics, anything like that
> please propose a solution along with identifying the issue.  :)
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 3:13 PM Rogan Hamby via evergreen-outreach <
> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M67OER1W4GHKoCvHnOYSxrt9MUx0YcSY/view?usp=sharing
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Andrea Buntz Neiman
Project Manager for Software Development
Equinox Open Library Initiative
abneiman at equinoxOLI.org <abneiman at equinoxoli.org>
1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457) x5583
*https://www.equinoxOLI.org/ <https://www.equinoxOLI.org/>*
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