[evergreen-outreach] reminder - meeting

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at equinoxoli.org
Mon Feb 27 13:08:05 EST 2023

Good afternoon,

If February has gone for you like me it has flown by but we are knocking on
March and since we meet the first Wednesday of the month that makes this
Wednesday the 1st our meeting!

Same bat time same bat channel:

Google hangout link: https://meet.google.com/oip-dwca-bpc

Or, join by phone: ‪+1 337-441-4148‬ PIN: ‪125 363 025‬#

at 4PM Eastern.  We also have a guest this month as Chris Sharp will join
us to discuss the website.

Rogan Hamby (he/him/his), MLIS

Data and Project Analyst

Equinox Open Library Initiative

rogan.hamby at equinoxOLI.org

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