[Evergreen-reports] Looking to do a report on a Marc Field

Lynn Floyd lfloyd at andersonlibrary.org
Fri Feb 21 15:14:38 EST 2014

I have tried several ways to run a report based on a Marc Record field, and
I keep not getting what I want.


I am trying to run a report through the reporter of all items with
videocassette in the 300 field.  I have yet to make it work.  Can someone
give me hint as to what I can do.  





Lynn Floyd 
 <mailto:lfloyd at andersonlibrary.org> lfloyd at andersonlibrary.org 
Anderson County Library 
864-260-4500 x181 
 <http://www.andersonlibrary.org/> http://www.andersonlibrary.org 


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