[Evergreen-reports] Reviving the Reports Interest Group?

Jessica Woolford jwoolford at biblio.org
Wed Sep 2 17:13:26 EDT 2020

Hi all,

I've been thinking lately about reviving the Reports Interest Group and
doing some similar things to what other groups have been doing in recent
years - meeting over video chat rather than IRC and potentially looping in
guest speakers, working through reports issues together, and focusing on
reports-related bug wrangling. I'm not sure I would want to make a monthly
commitment to convene the group (unless anyone would like to split the job)
but could do a meeting potentially every other month. Any interest?


Jessica Woolford
Evergreen Systems Manager
Bibliomation, Inc.
24 Wooster Ave.
Waterbury, CT 06708
203-577-4070 ext. 105
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