[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Getting there -- bootstrapping OpenSRF Client problem

Nathan Eady eady at galion.lib.oh.us
Tue Dec 12 15:51:49 EST 2006

Mike Rylander wrote:

> In the file /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml
> So ... that takes care of the C stuff, but currently the Perl services
> have a different config file located at /openils/conf/boostrap.conf.
> It's essentially the same config, but it's INI style instead of XML.

Are there two different config files for a specific reason, or
did it just happen that way?

If the latter, would it be good at some point to get the Perl
services to read from the XML config file?

That sounds like something that could be done by someone who
speaks Perl but is not very familiar with the codebase yet...

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