[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Getting there -- bootstrapping OpenSRF Client problem

Mike Rylander mrylander at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 21:04:23 EST 2006

Sorry for the duplicate if the previous version ever comes through...

On 12/12/06, Nathan Eady <eady at galion.lib.oh.us> wrote:
> Mike Rylander wrote:
> > In the file /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml
> [...]
> > So ... that takes care of the C stuff, but currently the Perl services
> > have a different config file located at /openils/conf/boostrap.conf.
> > It's essentially the same config, but it's INI style instead of XML.
> Are there two different config files for a specific reason, or
> did it just happen that way?

It just happened that way.  We started out with an INI style config
for the perl stuff (before the C bits were written) because I had
built an advanced INI reader/writer in a previous life
(nested/cascading structures, typed values, #include files, magic OO
interface, etc).  It proved a bit tricky to port everything to C, so
we just went with the low hanging fruit of XML.

> If the latter, would it be good at some point to get the Perl
> services to read from the XML config file?

That's on the roadmap, for sure.

> That sounds like something that could be done by someone who
> speaks Perl but is not very familiar with the codebase yet...

And that sounds as much like an offer as we'll ever get! ;)

You can take a look at http://ln-s.net/GZs (Web CVS repo) to see what
we're doing now.  We'll need to keep things API compatible since we
use the O::U::Config interface extensively in the perl innards, but
it's certainly doable, I think.

We already use XML::LibXML in the perl stuff, so that's the
natural/prefered choice for the XML parser, but we do have a
dependancy on XML::Simple for some outlying pieces, so if that
simplifies things then it would be acceptable as well.

Mike Rylander
mrylander at gmail.com
GPLS -- PINES Development
Database Developer

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