[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Trying out staff client with new install (long)

Josh Stompro stomproj at larl.org
Wed May 24 14:52:43 EDT 2006

memcached was listening on a different port that what was set, I changed 
that and no longer get the mcm errors.  Thanks for the tip.

It looks like the problems come down to the open-ils.storage not 
running.  Aha, I didn't have log_dir set correctly in bootstrap.conf, I 
had it set to /var/log/openils, when I changed it to /openils/var/log 
the file osrfysys.log appeared.  Looking at that file I see that I am 
missing the javascript::spidermonkey perl module, I added that to the 
perl dependancy docs.  I tried it again and it was then complaining 
about not finding log4perl.  I installed the liblog-log4perl-perl 
package and updated the docs.  I am still getting some SpiderMonkey 
errors, but at least I know where to look now.

2006-5-24 11:48:14] open-ils.storage [ERR :4594:::] ARG! Couldn't load 
action class Publisher: Can't load 
'/usr/lib/perl5/auto/JavaScript/SpiderMonkey/SpiderMonkey.so' for module 
/usr/lib/perl5/auto/JavaScript/SpiderMonkey/SpiderMonkey.so: undefined 
symbol: JS_PropertyStub at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/DynaLoader.pm line 225.
 at /openils/lib/perl5/OpenILS/Utils/ScriptRunner.pm line 6

Bill Erickson wrote:
> mcm_* is from libmemcache.  I'm not sure why it's unhappy, but it 
> would be good to check that the memcache port/IP settings in the 
> openils.xml config match those of the memcache daemon running on your 
> machine.
> There should be a file (from your openils.xml) called 
> "storage_unix.log" in /openils/var/log/.  This is where Net::Server 
> redirects stderr.  If that file is not there, then open-ils.storage is 
> not starting at all. 
> open-ils.auth requires both a functioning open-ils.storage server 
> (naturally) as well as a running memcache daemon.
> Side note : The C-based services don't write to the "unix" logs.  C 
> services only write directly to log files configured in opensrf_core.xml
> -bill

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