[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Running totals or report for checkin session or cart.

McMorris,Don dmcmorris at sals.edu
Thu Oct 12 12:10:13 EDT 2006

(Note that these views are those from another library NOT [currently] using Evergreen).
MANDATORY manual labeling wouldn't be good, I don't think  (more work == less good).  However, if each session was automatically labeled (with the option to manually label), this might be useful.
Users' should be able to find logs by branch, workstation, user, or any combination thereof.  It may be useful (possibly not feasible?) to have links from items to "check-in logs" also.  Individual logs, in addition to the statistics, should be very flexible in sorting/grouping (if an Item-level log is wanted).  IE: I may want to group items that are to be shelved, sorted by call number, then author, then title... This way, I can sort them on my book cart, and compare the lists if a statistical count is mis-matched.
The question of WHAT to log would also come into play. Obviously, you will want to log the item record, user, workstation, branch, date, possibly time... Would you want the items' due date? Fines assessed? Patron?  (these may get into unnecessary retention of PII [Personally Identifiable Information]).  
If automatic (with manual override) labeling is utilized, you may want to incorporate a "checkin-type selection". IE: It could default to "Normal" checkin, with the option of changing it to "Outside Book Drop", "Inside book drop", "In-Library Use", "Self-check", "Automated Process", etc...
I think this feature would fall into the category "useful, but not necessary".  At our library (again, not using Evergreen at this time), we very often find items circulating that haven't been checked in correctly.  This solution may be one way to help administrators track down where this is happening.  
Another option may be to utilize "Hand-Held Devices" (such as Telxon's, PDA's with scanners, or cordless bulk barcode scanners).  When an item is checked-in, the status is changed to "Shelving" (or "Being Shelved").  As a clerk/worker is putting them away, he/she can scan the item just before it is put on the shelf.  It is at this time that the item is changed to "In" (or "On the Shelf", or perhaps "Supposed to be on the shelf... But perhaps not where it belongs").
As with anything... Options should be extensively and easily customizable by the library/users, and mandatory additions to workflow should be avoided (IE: utilize acceptable defaults that CAN be changed, but don't absolutely have to be).  It should be up to the library what to require.
These are just my opinions, from a third-party small-library POV.
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