[OPEN-ILS-DEV] oils_cstore.so and sundry others

Dan Scott denials at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 00:51:33 EDT 2007


Just wondering why adding /openils/lib/ to ld.so.conf appears to only
enable ldpath to recognize libraries with the "lib" prefix in

It seems that I absolutely have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to enable
osrf_ctl.sh to load oils_cstore.so, oils_rstore.so, and the rest of
the inhabitants of /openils/lib -- which is just a little bit
annoying. I would really like to just rely on ld.so.conf, but if I
must use LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well I will.

What's a little more annoying is that there is no feedback saying that
oils_cstore.so could not be loaded at startup time (unless you're
tailing the logs, of course) - so you can spend hours thinking that
you have a fully running system, when your system is actually laughing
behind your back :) Consider this a feature request for the startup
sequence to offer positive _and_ negative feedback for each of the
services that osrf_ctl.sh tries to start.

Paranoid and tired,

(P.S. Apologies for the meandering email - you guys are doing great work!)

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