[OPEN-ILS-DEV] another newbie q, Perl modules

Natasha Stephan stephann at lindahall.org
Mon Apr 16 15:59:50 EDT 2007

Hi again,

I have several other related questions, this time regarding Perl


Background:  I am on FC6.  I have gotten through most of the
prerequisites listed on the DocuWiki, with the exception of the "bundle
of Perl modules" mentioned here:



Q1:  The page that is linked,
http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=perl_modules, mentions CPAN and
retrieving Perl modules individually.  The page that specifically refers
to my OS,
_hat_fedora, mentions:

DAG's (popular perl modules for RHEL/FC)

Neither links to an actual "bundle", so I can only assume that there's
no shortcutting.  Should I just run through the list of modules and
install each individually?


Q2:  Some of the Perl module names listed look awfully similar to the
RPMs I installed with yum.  For example, memcached, which I posted about
earlier today.  In the list of Perl modules that I need, I see this:


I can see (using rpm -q) that I have:


But when I try to determine whether I have the appropriate Perl module
(using several methods I found on cpan.org <http://www.cpan.org/> ), I
find nothing.  So are these two things (Memcached the Perl module and
memcached the daemon) related at all?


Q3:  This of course begs the question - what is the best way to figure
out if you already have a Perl module?  I tried three different methods:

perllocal.pod - This file does not exist.

ExtUtils::Installed - I  made a little shell script that invokes perl
and uses this module, but running it finds only Perl -- 5.8.8!

perl -M[modulename] -e 1 - This  only finds DBD:Pg and CGI.

So the latter seems to be the most inclusive.  For fun, I did an install
of Cache::Memcached from CPAN.  All three methods find it!


Thanks for any advice you might have.  I will proceed with installing
each module individually... I'll post more questions as I have them.



Natasha Stephan

http://leonardo.lindahall.org <http://leonardo.lindahall.org/> 

1-800-662-1545 x750 / 816-926-8750


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