[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Problem Importing MARC records

Karen Collier kcollier at kent.lib.md.us
Wed Aug 1 16:43:56 EDT 2007

I followed the instructions at http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen-admin:importing:bibrecords for importing the example records from Project Gutenberg.  It worked great, so I exported some of my own MARC records to see how importing those would work.  Not so great.

First, during the marc2bre.pl part of the conversion, I got the following errors:

evergreen-admin at eg-server:~/eg-srcs/Evergreen-ILS-1.2.0-rc1/Open-ILS/src/extras/import$ perl marc2bre.pl /home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.marc > ~/kent_item945_export.bre
1850    8.0576703412511Use of uninitialized value in hash element at marc2bre.pl line 253.
2050    8.04272947724331no mapping found for [0x7F] at position 9 in mACMILLANMacmillan g0=ASCII_DEFAULT g1=EXTENDED_LATIN at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 210.
6800    7.34006772400167
!!! ID i0399123032 is already in use
6900    7.34429314611069no mapping found for [0x7F] at position 3 in nEWNew yOrkYork g0=ASCII_DEFAULT g1=EXTENDED_LATIN at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 210.
7000    7.36104310195345no mapping found for [0x7F] at position 8 in nEW yORK<U+0 g0=ASCII_DEFAULT g1=EXTENDED_LATIN at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 210.
7750    7.41344456893792
!!! ID i0671867164 is already in use

!!! ID id is already in use
7850    7.41395172212235seem to have fallen through in _process_escape() at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 444.
seem to have fallen through in _process_escape() at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 444.
seem to have fallen through in _process_escape() at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 444.
8000    7.4149790141592no mapping found for [0x7F] at position 9 in 08703339568 g0=ASCII_DEFAULT g1=EXTENDED_LATIN at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 210.
no mapping found for [0x7F] at position 10 in i08703339568 g0=ASCII_DEFAULT g1=EXTENDED_LATIN at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 210.
9300    7.38595126371784
!!! ID i1879085593 is already in use
9550    7.35826772793215seem to have fallen through in _process_escape() at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 444.
seem to have fallen through in _process_escape() at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 444.
10000   7.31728050758724evergreen-admin at eg-server:~/eg-srcs/Evergreen-ILS-1.2.0-import$

I continued with the process, hoping the errors only affected a few records, and the others might import okay anyway.  Everything else looked like it was going along okay, until I got to the part where you actually execute the sql file.  Then I got lots of repetitive errors along the lines of the following:

psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402640: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402683: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402684: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402685: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402720: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402721: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402722: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402756: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402757: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402758: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402796: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402797: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:402798: invalid command \N
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:413349: invalid command \.
psql:/home/evergreen-admin/kent_item945_export.sql:450977: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "2"
LINE 1: 2 a 010 80-050399 //r843

When that didn't work, I tried executing the gutenberg.sql file that successfully imported the gutenberg records yesterday, but I got the same sort of errors I got with the new records.

I'm perplexed.  As far as I know, the only difference from yesterday is that there are already records in the database.  Is that the problem?  Do I need to empty the database before I try to import these other records?  Is there something you have to do differently once there are records in the database?  Am I missing something else?  Any help would be appreciated.


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