[OPEN-ILS-DEV] PATCH: utils.c (faster buffer_add_char)

Mike Rylander mrylander at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 22:00:29 EST 2007

On Dec 9, 2007 7:04 PM, Scott McKellar <mck9 at swbell.net> wrote:
> This patch provides a faster implementation of buffer_add_char().


> I have three further suggestions for the handling of growing_buffers.
> I didn't want to make these changes on my own without discussion.
> 1. buffer_add_char() should return void instead of int.  So far as I
> can tell, no code looks at the return value anyway -- nor would it
> make sense to, since it always returns the same value.

Well, if we were being Good(tm) we would check this, though once you
run into an out-of-memory state you're pretty much dead in the water.
However, because of the inconsistency it would be difficult to apply
checks anyway.  Because of this, I've made both buffer_add and the new
buffer_add_char, as well as buffer_fadd (by way of buffer_add) and
buffer_reset, return -1 on buffer expansion (or buffer reset) error
and the total length of the string upon success.  This also rectifies
your point 4 below, I think.

> 2. It's also doubtful whether we ever check the return value of
> buffer_add(), buffer_fadd(), or buffer_reset(), though I haven't
> looked.  We could simplify the code a bit by letting them return void.

We could, but IMO it's better to have an unused sanity check (and work
towards improving the calling code) than to remove it.  But, yeah, I
couldn't find a single assignment from buffer_add and friends for the
purpose of checking the return value.

> 3. If the amount of buffer space needed is greater than
> BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, we not only issue an error message, but also free
> the original buffer.  I don't see any reason to do so, unless we
> want to make it nearly impossible for the client code to continue.
> We could get approximately the same result more gracefully by calling
> exit() or abort().  Alternatively we could leave the original buffer
> unchanged, and rely on the client code to check the return value
> (which it seldom or never does in practice).

I could get behind leaving the buffer unchanged and requiring the
calling code to check for the condition and do something useful.

> 4. If we ask buffer_add to append an empty string, it returns 0,
> but if we ask it to append a non-empty string, it returns the length
> of the newly augmented string.  If we never look at the return value
> then it doesn't matter what we return.  However it would be more
> consistent to return the original string length if the string to be
> appended is empty.  Appending an empty string is not an error, it's
> just a special case.

Agreed.  Returning -1 from these fixes the issue, and since the return
value isn't used it won't break any existing code.

Thanks Scott.

Mike Rylander
 | VP, Research and Design
 | Equinox Software, Inc. / The Evergreen Experts
 | phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
 | email:  miker at esilibrary.com
 | web:  http://www.esilibrary.com

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