[OPEN-ILS-DEV] opensrf

Grant fgjohnson at upei.ca
Fri Jul 13 21:37:15 EDT 2007

Is there a proper forum to ask what the f***?  
User as opposed to dev?

Why is it dying and Why can't I connect to my Jabber


Grant Johnson
  Systems Coordinator
  Robertson Library, University Prince Edward Island


fgjohnson at fgjohnson-desktop:~$ sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh
-d /tmp/ -p /openils/conf/bootstrap.conf
-c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_all
OpenSRF Router already started : 
/openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh: line 111:  8243 File size limit exceeded(core
dumped) opensrf_router $OPT_C_CONFIG router
OpenSRF Perl already started : 7999
OpenSRF C already started : 
Loading OpenSRF host fgjohnson-desktop with bootstrap
config /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml and config context opensrf
        (in cleanup) Dying 8255
at /openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/UnixServer.pm line 21

called at /openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/System.pm line 317
        eval {...} called at /openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/System.pm line

called at /openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/System.pm line 159
        OpenSRF::System::bootstrap('OpenSRF::System') called at -e line

  * ! EXCEPTION ! * 
TYPE: OpenSRF::EX::Jabber
Mess: Jabber Exception 
Mess:  Could not connect to Jabber server: Invalid argument
Loc.: 496 OpenSRF::Transport::SlimJabber::Client 
Loc.: /openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/Transport/SlimJabber/Client.pm 
Time: Fri Jul 13 22:32:20 2007
osrf_settings_host_value_object: config pointer is NULL
fgjohnson at fgjohnson-desktop:~$ opensrf


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