[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Question about separation of shared database

Mike Rylander mrylander at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 22:35:01 EDT 2007

On 3/15/07, Don McMorris <don.mcmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is something going through my mind... I can think of a few
> scenarios where an "umbrella" library might exist sharing an ILS, but
> some data will need to be separated.  For example, all participants in
> the umbrella could see all bib and item records, but it would be
> undesirable for patron information to be shared systemwide.

Right.  There are other considerations, such as the requirement for a
unique barcode for items and patron cards.  There are ways to deal
with this, but all of them are sub-optimal on some level.

> Here's an example... A library management company decides to build and
> host an ILS for libraries that outsource to them.  They will ILL
> through each other, so all libraries' can see all bib/item records.
> However, user databases will be regional (or even library-specific).
> Another example... Another library management company decides to build
> and host an ILS for libraries that outsource to them.  Everyone will
> see every bib record (but perhaps the PAC can be configured to not
> show bibs without any viewable items attached).  Libraries in a
> specific region can see each others' item records for ILL purposes,
> but will not view item records for libraries outside that region.
> Patron databases are library-specific, though.

Permissions exist to restrict who can view patron records, and where.
Given a sufficiently deep hierarchy, yes, this can be restricted with
no problems (barring minor code adjustments).

> Is Evergreen configured so that (at the minimum) patrons' can be
> locked to certain libraries and not accessible by other libraries?

Now, there are certain interfaces that currently don't take this into
account (the patron search interface, for instance), but (and I'm just
blue-skying here -- Bill, don't shoot me) it should be an essentially
transparent change to restrict those interfaces.

The "big" problem would be giving the system the ability to use a
portion of the tree separate from the rest.  There are certain places
that look for the root of the OU tree by finding a node with no
parent.  This can be worked around by building an extra-OU institution
list that specifies the effective root, but that introduces issues for
extra-institution searching. ... it's a thorny problem, and we've
thought about it, but we don't have /all/ the answers yet.

> Thanks!
> --Don

Mike Rylander
mrylander at gmail.com
GPLS -- PINES Development
Database Developer

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