[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Ubuntu install Segmentation fault

Rene Paquin rpaquin at wlu.ca
Fri May 4 09:16:24 EDT 2007

As I was at a dead end with Debian Etch I switched over to ubuntu
install and followed all the instructions on the wiki.  I got through
some minor issues and now I am at another hurdle.  

I ama t the point of trying to start openils and I get a segmentation
fault.  Here are the results of trying to start ils

root at tamarak:~# sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -d /tmp/ -p
/openils/conf/bootstrap.conf -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a
Starting OpenSRF Router
Starting OpenSRF Perl
 * Server type: Net::Server::PreFork
 * System boostrap
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.cat...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.supercat...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.search...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.circ...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.actor...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.storage...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.penalty...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.collections...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.ingest...
Starting OpenSRF C
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.reporter...
Loading OpenSRF host tamarak.wlu.ca with bootstrap config
/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml and config context opensrf
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.cat...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.supercat...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.search...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.circ...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.actor...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.storage...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.penalty...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.collections...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.ingest...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.reporter...
 * System is ready...
/openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh: line 145:  5545 Segmentation fault      (core
dumped) opensrf-c $(hostname -f) $OPT_C_CONFIG opensrf
root at tamarak:~# 

When I check the osrfsys.log I find this:

opensrf 2007-05-04 08:58:19 [INFO:5545:osrf_system.c:195:] Bootstrapping
system with domain tamarak, port 5222, and unixpath (null)
opensrf 2007-05-04 08:58:19 [INFO:5545:osrf_app_session.c:515:]
[opensrf.settings] sent 204 bytes of data to
router at tamarak/opensrf.settings
opensrf 2007-05-04 08:59:19 [INFO:5545:osrf_app_session.c:142:]
Returning NULL from app_request_recv after timeout
opensrf 2007-05-04 08:59:19 [ERR :5545:osrf_settings.c:41:] Unable to
load config for host tamarak.wlu.ca

Any ideas on where to start looking?



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