[OPEN-ILS-DEV] am I close?

Dan Wells dbw2 at calvin.edu
Thu May 10 16:51:54 EDT 2007


> Just to answer Hennie's question about library search path.  There are
> a couple ways to do this...  My preference is to add an entry to
> /etc/ld.so.conf (or your specific distro's implementation of it).
> There have also been other suggestions, and a search of the archives
> should help here.

>As a toolchain guy I want to pipe up and say that anybody using
>LD_LIBRARY_PATH deserves to be keelhauled. (Pet peeve for a lot of reasons.)

>What Don suggests here using /etc/ld.so.conf or FreeBSD's /etc/rc.conf's
>ldconfig_paths="" is the right thing to do.

I hate for anyone to get keelhauled on account of something I suggested, so I
am hoping to understand this better ;)  On Ubuntu 7.04 at least, I verified
beyond any doubt that running ldconfig will not link a library in a directory
named in ld.so.conf if that library is not named lib*.  Most of the Evergreen
libraries are named like this, a few are not.  Do you know of any flag or
setting to make ldconfig link libraries not named lib*?  Is this true on all
platforms?  I am guessing not, since a few people here are doing it this way. 
It was a strange issue to encounter, that's for sure.

I am also wondering about the LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath=<directory-to-look-in> stuff.
 Will this suffer the same limitation of only seeing lib* files in that
directory?  Perhaps I should just start all over and try it.  When I have the

By the way, at least on Ubuntu using sudo, the only way I could get
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to work is to set it by script at runtime, so the problems
listed in the links you gave are minimized or nonexistent, as the setting
doesn't exist outside that particular command execution :)


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