[OPEN-ILS-DEV] am I close?

James Fournie james.fournie at gmail.com
Fri May 11 15:40:40 EDT 2007

Hi again all.

I am very close and getting very excited, but I'm having a constant
frustration with this error, which many people have had:

> osrf_settings_host_value_object: config pointer is NULL

and in osrfsys.log:

opensrf 2007-05-11 04:30:52 [INFO:12368:osrf_system.c:195:]
Bootstrapping system with domain egils.bc.hsia.telus.net, port 5222,
and unixpath (null)
opensrf 2007-05-11 04:30:52 [INFO:12368:osrf_app_session.c:515:]
[opensrf.settings] sent 213 bytes of data to
router at egils.bc.hsia.telus.net/opensrf.settings
opensrf 2007-05-11 04:30:52 [INFO:12368:transport_session.c:406:]
Received <error> message with type cancel and code 503
opensrf 2007-05-11 04:30:52 [WARN:12368:osrf_stack.c:84:]  !!!
Received Jabber layer error message
opensrf 2007-05-11 04:30:52 [WARN:12368:osrf_stack.c:94:]  * Jabber
Error is for top level remote id
[router at egils.bc.hsia.telus.net/opensrf.settings], no one to send my
message too!!!
opensrf 2007-05-11 04:30:52 [INFO:12368:osrf_stack.c:103:] Message
processing duration 0.000501
opensrf 2007-05-11 04:31:52 [INFO:12368:osrf_app_session.c:142:]
Returning NULL from app_request_recv after timeout
opensrf 2007-05-11 04:31:52 [ERR :12368:osrf_settings.c:49:] Unable to
load config for host egils.bc.hsia.telus.net
opensrf 2007-05-11 04:31:52 [ERR :12368:osrf_settings.c:19:] config
pointer is NULL

also, as long as the processes are running, my router.log keeps filling up with:
router 2007-05-11 05:31:20 [WARN:12483:transport_session.c:122:]
socket_wait returned error code -1

previous posts have all indicated this is a hostname related error,
with an incorrect hostname in one of the config files.  unfortunately,
i can't find my problem and I'm really not sure what to do.  my
hostname is egils.bc.hsia.telus.net as provided by hostname -f and the
perl hostfqdn command.  it's not a net accessible name, but everything
seems to resolve ok on the box.  both of the following work fine:

psql -U postgres -h egils.bc.hsia.telus.net -p 5432 -d evergreen

telnet egils.bc.hsia.telus.net 5222

I can connect also with no problems remotely via psi, which I used to
create the router/osrf/gateway/srfsh accounts.  The host value in my
ejabberd.cfg host is set the to egils.bc.hsia.telus.net

Running opensrf-c alone doesn't work either.  I'm guessing that means
the problem is in opensrf_core.xml?  I'm totally stumped!  All of the
hostnames and jabber domain names are set to egils.bc.hsia.telus.net,
and when I change them I get big nasty jabber errors.  I have
egils.bc.hsia.telus.net in my trusted domains as both client and
server as well.

I'm running Debian Lenny, ejabberd 1.1.3 from source, postgresql 8.1
and I've had the same problem on both the current stable tarball and
the latest development branch from cvs.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

James Fournie
Digitization Librarian
Union of BC Indian Chiefs

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