[OPEN-ILS-DEV] cstore problem

Rene Paquin rpaquin at wlu.ca
Mon May 14 13:13:38 EDT 2007

I start up the ils and I get this:
root at tamarak:/openils/bin# sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -d
/tmp/ -p /openils/conf/bootstrap.conf -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml
-a start_all
Starting OpenSRF Router
Starting OpenSRF Perl
 * Server type: Net::Server::PreFork
 * System bootstrap
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.cat...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.supercat...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.search...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.circ...
Starting OpenSRF C
Loading OpenSRF host tamarak.wlu.ca with bootstrap config
/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml and config context opensrf
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.actor...
 * Running application opensrf.math
 * Running application opensrf.dbmath
 * Running application open-ils.auth
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.storage...
 * Running application open-ils.cstore
 * Running application open-ils.reporter-store
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.penalty...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.collections...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.ingest...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.reporter...
root at tamarak:/openils/bin#  * Starting Listener for open-ils.cat...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.supercat...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.search...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.circ...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.actor...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.storage...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.penalty...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.collections...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.ingest...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.reporter...
 * System is ready...
At this point it seems to be hanging as the prompt never returns.

When I look in the osfrsys.log I get these results:

open-ils.cstore 2007-05-14 12:43:34 [ERR :5882:oils_cstore.c:243:] Error
loading database driver [Pg]
open-ils.cstore 2007-05-14 12:43:34 [ERR :5882:osrf_application.c:99:]
App open-ils.cstore child init failed
open-ils.cstore 2007-05-14 12:43:34 [ERR :5882:osrf_prefork.c:151:]
Prefork child_init failed

open-ils.cstore 2007-05-14 12:43:34 [ERR :5882:osrf_prefork.c:314:]
Forker child going away because we could not connect to OpenSRF...
open-ils.cstore 2007-05-14 12:43:34 [WARN:5834:transport_session.c:122:]
socket_wait returned error code -1

The relevant part in openils.xml file is this )I believe and I do not
see anything out of the ordinary.

                    <IDL>/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml</IDL> <!-- deprecated
with 1.1.0-->

Is this part and parcel of the whole path linkage problem?  If so how to
I get  this resolved?  

Thanks again,


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