[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Function naming conventions

Scott McKellar mck9 at swbell.net
Sat Oct 27 10:49:56 EDT 2007

In a number of cases I have found pairs of functions with similar
names, where one is lower case with underscores ("foo_bar") and the
other is camel case ("fooBar").  One way or another they execute
the same underlying code, so they are effectively just different 
spellings of the same function.

For example, in osrf_app_session.c, osrfAppSessionMakeLocaleRequest
simply passes all of its arguments to osrf_app_session_make_locale_req
and returns the result.

My guess is that these redundancies reflect an incomplete transition
to a consistent naming convention.  However I can't guess which
convention is preferred and which is deprecated.  If you'll tell me
which is which, I can add this cleanup to my janitorial agenda.

Or maybe you'd rather I left things alone.

Scott McKellar

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