[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Circ problem with

Garry Dunn garry at trellisconsulting.ca
Thu Aug 14 10:34:07 EDT 2008

To all,

I just recently upgraded (from to (going through each 
of the minor upgrades between) and now I can't check a book out.  I've 
upgraded both the server and the client.  I'm hoping someone can point 
me in the right direction.

The error I get is:

{"payload":[],"debug":"osrfMethodException :  *** Call to 
[open-ils.circ.checkout] failed for session
[1218719016.028563.121871901617073], thread trace [1]:\n  * ! EXCEPTION 
! * \nTYPE: OpenSRF::EX::ERROR
\nMess: System ERROR \nMess: Circ Duration Script Died: Error: 
TypeError: parent has no properties at line 163: (null)\nLoc.: 185 
OpenSRF::Application \nLoc.: /openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/Application.pm 
\nTime: Thu Aug 14 09:03:36 2008\n\n","status":500}

I get this on a 'blank' database (no Gutenberg records or any of our 
records imported).  I created 1 book and 1 patron and tried to get that 
patron to checkout that book.

I get the same error (with a different barcode/patron, obviously) if I 
tried to checkout a book from our records (which were imported into  I also get the same error if I import the Gutenberg records, 
make them available for loan, add a patron and try to check out a book.

The same problem occurs on a second test system, which also went through 
the upgrade procedure.  That system was upgraded by a different person, 
independent of me, without instruction by me.  So we both did the 
upgrade according the wiki and wound up with the same problem.  We're 
both stumped.

I had a look at the SQL changes for the versions between and and I don't see anything there that would affect circulation. 
I've also tried digging into some of the code, but my PERL is not so 
good.  (It'll be getting better in the next little while!)

Any thoughts on where to go to solve this one?


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