[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Changes to OpenSRF perl components

Shawn Boyette sboyette at esilibrary.com
Mon Aug 18 15:43:26 EDT 2008

I've completed my work on the perl components of OpenSRF. They will now 
be installed in the standard local target for Perl modules (the same 
place they would go if you had downloaded them from the CPAN, e.g. 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/ on my workstation). No more @INC-twiddling :)

They are also now installed via a standard 'perl Makefile.PL && make && 
make test && make install' routine, but this is wrapped inside the main 
OpenSRF install procedure and requires no action (or knowledge) on the 
part of the user.

All these changes are structural. The only substantive (such as it is) 
code change is that OpenSRF.pm now declares a $VERSION which matches its 
version, so that 'perl -MOpenSRF -le "print $OpenSRF::Version"' will say 

Lastly, there is now the barest rudiments of a testing suite, which 
operates exactly like any other standard Perl module's would, so go 
forth and populate it :)

Shawn Boyette <sboyette at esilibrary.com>

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