[OPEN-ILS-DEV] SPAM: Error loading libdbi driver

Dan Scott denials at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 21:09:52 EDT 2008

2008/6/16 Dale Arntson <arnt at uchicago.edu>:
> Hi Dan,
> Thanks for pointing this out. This is how I had it before. However, when I
> set the driver entry under open-ils.cstore and open-ils.reporter-store in
> opensrf.xml back to pgsql, I get the same result.

Hmm. That really doesn't make sense; I would expect a different set of
errors, at the least. open-ils.cstore should not be trying to load Pg
as a driver.

I noticed in your opensrf.xml file that you're pointing to
/opt/openils in most cases. Is there any chance that
settings-tester.pl is checking the wrong version of opensrf_core.xml /
opensrf.xml? By default, it reads /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml and
figures out which opensrf.xml to read from there: you can use the
--config option to override this if need be.

I should also point out that while in theory using a prefix other than
/openils/ should work, very few people (perhaps none) have actually
tried that out in practice. It's possible you may be running into some
hardcoded assumptions about file placement. You might want to keep
things as simple as possible to start with by sticking with /openils/
for now and keeping the number of changes to opensrf_core.xml and
opensrf.xml to a minimum.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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