[OPEN-ILS-DEV] transport_session.c: use of $HOSTNAME

Scott McKellar mck9 at swbell.net
Sun Mar 9 17:21:23 EDT 2008

Similar questions apply to two other cases where we look for $HOSTNAME:

1. osrfChatMkAuthKey(), in osrf_chat.c

2. osrfSystemBootstrapClientResc(), in osrf_system.c

Scott McKellar

--- Scott McKellar <mck9 at swbell.net> wrote:

> In session_connect() we have have the following fragment:
>     /* the first Jabber connect stanza */
>     char* our_hostname = getenv("HOSTNAME");
>     size1 = 150 + strlen( server );
>     char stanza1[ size1 ]; 
>     snprintf( stanza1, sizeof(stanza1),
>         "<long message abbreviated here> %s %s",
>         username, our_hostname );
> My first observation is that in calculating size1 we presumably
> should
> have used strlen(our_hostname), not strlen(server), since server is
> not included in the formatted stanza that we build.
> I could fix that myself.  But what I'm writing about is the use of
> the environmental variable $HOSTNAME.
> Is there a reason why we don't get the host name by calling
> gethostname()?
> Normally the two methods will yield the same result.  The difference
> is that the user can change the value of $HOSTNAME to anything he
> likes, or even unset it entirely.  The resulting stanza that we
> build here will then be different accordingly.  But gethostname() is
> not affected by changes in $HOSTNAME, as I confirmed by a little
> experimentation.
> Unless we want the user to be able to change the contents of this
> stanza, I suggest that we use gethostname().  Give me the go-ahead
> and I'll prepare a patch to do so.
> Scott McKellar
> http://home.swbell.net/mck9/ct/

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