[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Error when searching

evergreen at copelan.com evergreen at copelan.com
Sun May 25 21:25:32 EDT 2008

I have the system up and running  on Deiban 4.0r3. Evergreen version is I can login to 
OPAC using "admin". I can go through various screens like looking for checked out books and get 
results (in this case the result is that there isn't anything checked out) 

However, when trying to search there are the following messages in gateway.log & router.log but no 
results from the search on the webside.  It seems to be stuck searching.  No other log files had 
entries during the timeframe when the search was started. 

I have gone through the config several times and don't see any errors (but maybe am still 
overlooking something)

Thanks for any ideas on where to look for a resolution. 


osrf_json_gw 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [INFO:2610:osrf_app_session.c:522:121173649526107] [open-
ils.search] sent 300 bytes of data to router at localhost/open-ils.search
osrf_json_gw 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [ACT:2610:osrf_json_gateway.c:220:121173649526107] 
[] [] open-ils.search open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query 
{"org_unit":1,"depth":0,"limit":10,"offset":0,"visibility_limit":3000,"default_class":"keyword"}, "
Test", 1
osrf_json_gw 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [INFO:2610:osrf_json_gateway.c:220:121173649526107] 
[] [] open-ils.search open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query 
{"org_unit":1,"depth":0,"limit":10,"offset":0,"visibility_limit":3000,"default_class":"keyword"}, "
Test", 1
osrf_json_gw 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [INFO:2610:transport_session.c:410:121173649526107] Received 
<error> message with type cancel and code 501
osrf_json_gw 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [WARN:2610:osrf_stack.c:84:121173649526107]  !!! Received Jabber 
layer error message
osrf_json_gw 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [WARN:2610:osrf_stack.c:94:121173649526107]  * Jabber Error is 
for top level remote id [router at localhost/open-ils.search], no one to send my message too!!!
osrf_json_gw 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [INFO:2610:osrf_stack.c:103:121173649526107] Message processing 
duration 0.000073

router 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [INFO:2924:osrf_router.c:338:121173649526107] Routing message:
from: [opensrf at localhost/1211736495__1211736495.673762_2610]
to: [opensrf at localhost/open-ils.search_listener_at_mylib_2960]
router 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [INFO:2924:transport_session.c:410:] Received <error> message with type 
cancel and code 503
router 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [INFO:2924:osrf_router.c:268:121173649526107] Received network layer 
error message from opensrf at localhost/open-ils.search_listener_at_mylib_2960
router 2008-05-25 21:23:02 [WARN:2924:osrf_router.c:275:121173649526107] We lost the last node in 
the class, responding with error and removing...

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