[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Questions about Locations

Frances Dean McNamara fdmcnama at uchicago.edu
Fri May 30 09:49:51 EDT 2008


I find the very helpful.  I think you should wiki it.  I will share with the folks in my group who will be trying to understand this and I'll pass on any comments.  It seems to me this is more flexible than what we have had, for instance we can't prevent holds on Reserve items at the moment.

One question this does raise for me is the ability to suppress some bib records from the OPAC.  But as I recall that can be done at the bib level, too, as well as at the copy/item level.

We are unusually centralized and we tend to not want to limit searching or even editing of records by Libraries, as they all use the same bib and auth records.  Transiting to the Circ Library at checkin is good, we would want to do that.

Volume is a bit odd to us because we mostly own a single copy of things.  At that interim level between bib and item we are used to having a copy where needed.  This would be for the Law library copy of a journal, where they have v.1-25, as opposed to the Main copy of a journal where they have v.2-200.  We're used to looking at it that way as opposed to, ok for v. 1 only Law has an item, for v.2 Law and Main have copies, etc.  It's just a different way of looking at it.

What we really need, of course, is a place to put summary holdings statements, the fun descriptions like:

For one copy of the New Yorker:

Library has:  v.1:no.7-51(1925:Apr4-1926:Feb6)
    lacks no.9,12,16-17,21,41,44,52
    lacks no.32
    lacks no.17-18,20,27,34,44
    lacks v.13:no.1, v.19:no.36, 1961:Apr1
    v.43(1967/1968) lacks no.20-26(Jul1-Aug19)
    supplements bound with corresponding months
    supplements bound with corresponding months
    supplements bound with corresponding months
v.81(2005:Feb14-Apr4,18,May2-9,23-Sep-Oct10-17,Nov 7-14,Dec)
    supplements bound with corresponding months
v.83-84 Jan-Mar(2008)
v.82(2006:Feb13-Apr3-10,24-May 1-22,Jun-Dec 4-18)
    supplements bound with corresponding months

Supplements:  v.83 Aug(2007)
    bound with v.83 Aug(2007)
v.83 Sep(2007)
    bound with v.83 Sep(2007)

I expect other academics are thinking about that.  Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: open-ils-dev-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org [mailto:open-ils-dev-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of Jason Etheridge
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 5:55 PM
To: open-ils-dev at list.georgialibraries.org
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Questions about Locations

Frances, in addition to Murphy's suggestions, here is some more
information (based on the 1.2.2 branch of Evergreen) to help you
decide how you might want to do this and for others that might be
interested.   You probably already know most of this, and it's likely
to be information overload.  Reader beware. :)

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