[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Dojo Release 1.2.0

Dan Scott denials at gmail.com
Sun Oct 5 09:41:19 EDT 2008

Dojo released 1.2.0 a few days ago; here are my findings as of last
night (yay planes) with a quick run-through of Conify and Vandelay:

  * no more dojo.js.uncompressed.js - so in those few places where we
did call it, we would need to just point at dojo.js instead (a
debugging version must still be available but our defaults in
delivered files should point to dojo.js anyway)
  * dojox.grid._data.* has moved to dojox.grid.compat._data.* (this is
now deprecated and will no longer be maintained - a new Grid has been
added that will be the preferred grid going forward)
  * dojox.grid.editors has moved to dojox.grid.compat._data.editors

I have attached a patch for Conify; no changes were needed for
Vandelay. My testing was largely to the point of getting things
working without JS errors in Conify and Vandelay, and testing date
picker widget / display in the OPAC, but nothing deeper.

So the question: should we switch to 1.2.0 using these compatibility
mechanisms so that the prereq will already be in place if we decide to
rewrite to use the new "easier-to-use" Grids? Or maybe it's a moot
point because we're going to sidestep the problem by packaging our own
Dojo build for EG anyway.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University
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