SPAM: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] On Cards (Was: Merging Patrons)

David Wongwai daw216 at
Fri Sep 26 09:28:18 EDT 2008

In our library which is a public one We have what is called famaly
accounts. These will have multiple active cards tied to them for the
famaly member but our curent system didn't have a way to link famaly
member so the cards all apear on the one account. I also under stand
that for academics (colloges) that a profesor will have his ti's check
out books for him/her. So diferent card same account. If your systems
has a good patron linking setup (I haven't goten that far in my
reserch) that can deal with child A is linked to Mom B and notice go
to Mom B, then I don't see a need for multiple active card per account
(which causes problems with computer reservation systems anyway)

David Wongwai

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Grant Johnson <fgjohnson at> wrote:
> hmm,
> Just went through this thread!
> Don't know about other Academic institutions ...and don't speak for this one...and don't know if this is helpful... but...
> My knee jerk response would be - There MUST be only one active card per Patron  to prevent stolen cards from being re-used by nefarious folk.
> ***  Apparently the above isn't a Universal Truth ***
. . . . . . .Removed for readabilty . . . . . . .

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