[OPEN-ILS-DEV] problem with evergreen webservice/staffclient access after installation

Daniël Kollmer dko at iisg.nl
Mon Aug 10 06:24:19 EDT 2009

Hello list

First of all, let me introduce myself.
I work for the International Institute for Social History as system administrator, and we are considering to replace our old library system with evergreen.

We have been running virtualbox test instances as offered by you, and recently decided to install the source for on an ubuntu hardy machine. I am positive that I have followed the installation instructions on http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=server:1.4.0:install to the letter (which does not mean I did not overlook something) 

At the end of the installation the initial evergreen test login from the command-line works fine.
Also the settings-tester.pl script does not report any errors.
The autogen.sh script also does it's work without complaints.

Still, when I try to connect to the evergreen webpage I get a 404 error
In the error log I find nothing except the message 

	File does not exist: /htdocs

This is odd, since there is no place on my system where /htdocs is defined as document root, and certainly not in the vhost configuration for the evergreen vhost.

If I try connecting with the staff client, I get the message:

	[evergreen webhost] has sent an incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code: -12263

This corresponds to an error message in the apache error logs:

	Invalid method in request \x16\x03\x01

The only other indication I have that something is not quite right is when I do an apache start
And get the following messages:

[ERR :8337:osrf_system.c:322:] No Config File Specified
[INFO:8337:./osrf_json_gateway.c:91:] Bootstrapping gateway child for requests
[WARN:8337:osrfConfig.c:112:] No Config object!

I have double checked everything in the installation procedure and my settings, I also searched through your list archives but came up with nothing that seems to apply to my situation.

I hope you can provide me with some insight

If you need more details (config files, log outputs etc.) please let me know


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