[OPEN-ILS-DEV] LDAP Authentication Ideas

Nathanael Schilling nathanaelschilling at gmx.net
Sat Dec 5 06:32:54 EST 2009

On Friday 04 December 2009 10:42:57 pm Mike Rylander wrote:
> descriptive
so how do we handle create update and delete methods on users in a) ldap 
b)evergreen? i.e. what happens if user x is deleted in ldap, but not in 
evergreen, or if user y is added to the ldap database, meaning the user can 
somehow log in, but doesn't really "exist" yet. How about if user with 
username "bob" exists in ldap, but is a different user to the "bob" which 
exists in evergreen as ldap capability was added with a non-new evergreen db 
and non-new ldap db?

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