[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Re: Deprecating APIs (was: osrfAppSessionMakeRequest(): eliminate param_strings?)

Scott McKellar mck9 at swbell.net
Fri Dec 11 15:06:05 EST 2009

--- On Fri, 12/11/09, Dan Scott <dan at coffeecode.net> wrote:
> Date: Friday, December 11, 2009, 9:11 AM
> On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 09:09 -0800,
> Scott McKellar wrote:
> <snip>
> > -----------
> > 
> > Migration path:
> > 
> > 1. Create a similar function with a different name and
> no param_strings
> > parameter.
> > 
> > 2. Replace all calls to the old function with calls to
> the new one.
> > 
> > 3. Eliminate the old one.
> > 
> > 4. Change the underlying function
> osrfAppSessionMakeLocaleRequest()
> > along the same lines.  This will be easy because
> it's not called from
> > anywhere else.
> > 
> > 5. Eliminate osrf_message_add_param().
> > 
> > All that's different about
> osrfAppSessionMakeLocaleRequest() is that it
> > takes an additional parameter for locale, and in
> practice that parameter
> > is always NULL.  We could eliminate that
> parameter as well, but since
> > it might be useful some day, we might as well keep it
> around.
> I have no concerns about the technical approach for the
> migration path.
> In the future I suggest that we adopt a deprecation policy
> where we mark
> a given API as deprecated (via both the release notes - a
> "deprecated
> API" section- and an OpenSRF log at the warning level,
> perhaps, with a
> standard greppable format like "Deprecated API
> <api_name(api_signature)>"?) and push that out in the
> next release.
> After which we reserve the right to remove the API in
> future major
> releases.

A lot depends on how you define "API".

In the C world, one might arguably define the "API" as including
everything that's declared in any header file.  However, things are
exposed in our header files only as an artifact of the way the source
code is physically packaged.  They aren't really intended or expected
to be referenced by anything but our own code.

When I eliminate a function or change its signature, I can grep for all
the places that call it, and modify them as needed in order to
accommodate the change.  I've done that a LOT over the years.  If I had
followed some kind of formal deprecation procedure, I would have spent a
lot of time on that bureaucratic overhead, accomplished less substantive
change, and left the code base littered with a lot of deprecated code
that I didn't feel free to remove yet.  The chance that anyone would
have benefited is probably close to zero.

OSRF as a product is not a collection of library routines with an API, like (for example) lib2xml.  It's primarily a collection of executables
for message passing and remote procedure calls.  Normally the internal
implementation is not publicly visible.

Since the source code is available to anyone who wants to download it,
it is always possible that a change will adversely affect someone who
is using the code in ways that we don't know about.  As far as I'm
concerned, that's the risk you take when you monkey with the internals.

A narrower definition of "API" would comprise:

1. The structure and packaging of the messages passed over the wire;

2. The way that Jabber and the router interact to link up clients and

3. The protocols by which different processes talk to each other;

4. The signatures of the methods provided by the various services;

5. The calling conventions for dynamically loaded objects.

Those kinds of things are harder to change, and a formal deprecation
process would make sense.  For internal details of implementation, not
so much.

It remains possible that people are using the internals more than I
realize.  If so, perhaps we should somehow identify which internals
deserve a formal deprecation policy and which don't.  I'd rather not
be burdened by procedural overhead from which no one is likely to

Scott McKellar

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