[OPEN-ILS-DEV] SHA1 code in sha.c

Scott McKellar mck9 at swbell.net
Wed Dec 23 10:23:56 EST 2009

--- On Wed, 12/23/09, Jeff Godin <jeff at tcnet.org> wrote:
> >
> > I expect to go shopping for an implementation of SHA1
> that works for
> > any architecture, regardless of int size or
> endianness.  Naturally its
> > licensing must be compatible with the GPL.
> OpenSSL has been suggested, but has licensing issues
> (advertising
> clause, considered GPL-incompatible without adding an
> exemption, etc).
> mhash is LGPL'd and has support for (among others) SHA1 and
> MD5:
> http://mhash.sourceforge.net/
> There are packages for Debian (confirmed etch, lenny) and
> Ubuntu
> (confirmed starting with Hardy).
> There are probably other options, this is just another
> suggestion.
> -jeff

This note is a summary of some IRC discussion on #evergreen (and
inevitably reflects my own biases).

The OpenSSL license requires projects that use its libraries to include an acknowledgment that the project uses OpenSSL.  On the other hand if you publish under the GPL you can't require downstream recipients to include such an acknowledgment.

There is a narrow exception.  If the targetted platform normally has OpenSSL installed anyway, we can link to its libraries without violating
the GPL.  We may need to include an explicit exception for OpenSSL in
the license notice.

With mhash we would have the option of including the mhash code in our
own distribution, the way we currently include other people's code for
SHA1 and MD5.  That's apparently not an option for OpenSSL due to the
licensing issues.  Of course it would probably be better to rely on a
package having been installed as a prerequisite.

The legal issues appear to be very murky and confusing, and I probably
haven't explained it completely correctly.

Useful links provided by jeff:


...and by phasefx_:


...and by dbs:


From dbs (quoted because I don't understand it well enough to paraphrase):

"IIRC, packages with sophisticated autotools setups can default to linking
against gnutls but fall back to libopenssl same with readline vs libedit
and other GPL-compatible vs. GPL-incompatible libraries"

...and a related link cited as an example:



IMHO we should regard OpenSSL as a last resort, regardless of its
technical merits, because of the licensing issues.  First we should look
for a library that's GPL-friendly, available as packages for the major
targeted platforms, and satisfies the technical requirements.  Failing
that, we may go with OpenSSL, but we'll be tiptoing through a legal

Scott McKellar

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