[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Testing connections to Evergreen: Success!

Nathan Eady eady at galion.lib.oh.us
Wed Jun 24 14:27:22 EDT 2009

Mike Rylander <mrylander at gmail.com> writes:

>> Okay, I've progressed somewhat...
> Magic 8-ball says: memcached isn't running or has misconfigured ports.

Ah.  For some reason in my flurry of checking everything, I neglected
to check that particular thing.  Heh.  Okay, let's try fresh after a





Okay, I've got the login test to work now, but I should mention...

Either I've got something very itermittent going on, or else it
appears that the order matters when starting/restarting services.

Let's see...

# su opensrf
$ osrf_ctl.sh -l -a stop_all
$ ps -A | grep "srf"
[repeat the above two lines and/or manual kill until it's all stopped]
$ exit
# su postgres
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l /home/postgres/logfile restart
$ exit
# /etc/init.d/memcached restart
# /etc/inid.d/ejabberd restart
# /etc/inid.d/apache2 restart
# su opensrf
$ osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_router
$ sleep 30
$ osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_perl
$ sleep 90
$ osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_c

The above order seems to work for me.  Afterward:

thorin:~# su testing
thorin:/root$ /openils/bin/srfsh 
srfsh# request opensrf.math add 2 7

Received Data: 9

Request Completed Successfully
Request Time in seconds: 0.370072
srfsh# login open-ils admin

Received Data: "9272134d211e6817574d9626ea66ce21"

Request Completed Successfully
Request Time in seconds: 0.129463

Received Data: {
  "desc":"This account is marked as inactive",

Request Completed Successfully
Request Time in seconds: 0.394187
Login Session: (none).  Session timeout: 0.000000

Nathan Eady
Galion Public Library

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