[OPEN-ILS-DEV] [PATCH] Renewal notice hook, cleanup

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Thu Sep 17 15:20:33 EDT 2009

On Thu, 2009-09-17 at 14:47 -0400, Joe Atzberger wrote:
> Most of the changes are just to formatting via perltidy, moving
> towards standardized 4-space indents.  

I, for one, applaud standardized indents :) Mayhaps you want to add the
vim comment that sets the standardized settings at a file level to help
maintain them in future? Throwing the following line at the bottom of
the file does the trick:

# vim: ts=4:sw=4:noet

Also, some other projects that I've worked on have had a rule (informal
in some cases, more formal in others - hello PHP / PEAR!) that white
space changes should be committed separately from code changes, to make
it simpler for other people to focus on the actual code diffs. I don't
think we have any such rules (informal or formal) about that in
Evergreen today, but it does make sense to me. Anyone else care to weigh

> The substantive changes are:
>       * $ses->request('open-ils.trigger.event.autocreate', 'renewal',
>         $self->circ, $self->circ_lib) if $self->is_renewal;
>       * 1; added at the end of module,
>       * SQL line added for renewal hook.
> Note: also corrected a typo in the SQL for another hook.

One other typo in the same line is "succefully" - might as well clean
that one up while you're at it.

Looks good to me, on the whole.

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