[OPEN-ILS-DEV] [PATCH] Upgrade script (for developers)

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Fri Sep 25 22:08:58 EDT 2009

2009/9/24 Joe Atzberger <jatzberger at esilibrary.com>:
> The purpose of this script is to consolidate a lot of the annoying and
> error-prone tasks associated with an upgrade for a developer, including
> make, make install, the xulrunner client built and autogen.
> Considerations:
>  * Run as user "opensrf"
>  * opensrf needs sudo (again, targeting developers, not production) for
> apache stop/start, chown and make install
>  * Assumes opensrf has two SVN (or git-svn) repos: OpenILS and OpenSRF
>  * Both repos should be already configured (as in ./configure)
> Detailed usage notes available via -h option.  Both repo directories and the
> install directory can be specified on the command line.  Try it with -t
> (test mode) to see feedback without making any changes.

Looks good. The script in the commented-out section for updating the
drone might be useful, too, although at the moment I imagine there are
precious few organizations with multi-box development setups.

I wonder whether a new directory like build/tools/ might make more
sense as a home for a script like this; Open-ILS/src/extras currently
contains scripts that are installed as part of the /openils/bin
directory, report templates, and the whole import subdirectory that
doesn't get installed (but perhaps should). It's a catch-all, as the
name implies, while the build directory would be a fitting home for
build-related scripts.

Thumbs up; I think this is an excellent contribution.

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