[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Fwd: [PATCH] Renewal notice hook, cleanup

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Fri Sep 25 22:47:30 EDT 2009

2009/9/18 Joe Atzberger <jatzberger at esilibrary.com>:
> Most of the changes are just to formatting via perltidy, moving towards
> standardized 4-space indents.
> The substantive changes are:
> $ses->request('open-ils.trigger.event.autocreate', 'renewal',  $self->circ,
> $self->circ_lib) if $self->is_renewal;
> 1; added at the end of module,
> SQL line added for renewal hook.
> Note: also corrected typos in the SQL for another hook.  This is a resend,
> from my subscribed address, supplanting previous submission(s).

Thanks for the resend, Joe!

Sadly, there seems to have been enough churn in Circulate.pm over the
past week that patch rejected 4 sections of the diff; therefore, I
pared down the patch to just the substantive changes and added a
database upgrade script as a (hopefully correct) bonus.

Thanks again, Joe, and keep 'em coming.

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