[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** EverGreen on Ubuntu 9.04, installation almost finish, but failed on the last test steps.

Jing Tian jing.tian at jsvest.com
Thu Apr 22 13:57:52 EDT 2010

Our orgnization is evaluating "EverGreen" for future deployment by testing
the package intallation, we managed to finish most of the installation part
but failed to pass the final self test steps. I have digged a little of the
design and components of "EverGreen", but with such a sophiscated suite, I
have no clue which part is going wrong. Any help or suggestion on this is
deeply appreciated.

We are using Ubuntu 9.04, and following the instructions from
http://www.open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=server:1.6.0:install. After
some little tweak and adjustment during the installation process(mainly perl
and CPAN missing dependency related), we have reached the following step:
"As the *opensrf* user, generate the Web files needed by the staff client
and catalogue and update the organization unit proximity (you need to do
this the first time you start Evergreen, and after that each time you change
the library hierarchy in config.cgi)". The original part from the guide book
is also put as below.
Starting Evergreen

   1. As the *root* user, start the memcached and ejabberd services (if they
   aren't already running):

   /etc/init.d/ejabberd start
   /etc/init.d/memcached start

   2. As the *opensrf* user, start Evergreen. The '-l' flag in the following
   command is only necessary if you want to force Evergreen to treat the
   hostname as 'localhost'; if you have configured opensrf.xml using the
   real hostname of your machine as returned by perl -ENet::Domain 'print
   Net::Domain::hostfqdn() . “\n”;', you should not use the '-l' flag.

   osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_all

   - If you receive the error message *bash: osrf_ctl.sh: command not found*,
      then your environment variable *PATH* does not include the
      /openils/bin directory; this should have been set by .bashrc when you
      logged in as the opensrf user, based on step 19 above, but you can
      manually set it using the following command:

      export PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin

      - If you receive the error message *Can't locate OpenSRF/System.pm in
      @INC … BEGIN failed–compilation aborted*, then your environment
      variable *PERL5LIB* does not include the /openils/lib/perl5 directory;
      this should have been set by .bashrc when you logged in as the
opensrfuser, based on step 19 above, but you can manually set it using
      following command:

      export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/openils/lib/perl5

      3. As the *opensrf* user, generate the Web files needed by the staff
   client and catalogue and update the organization unit proximity (you need to
   do this the first time you start Evergreen, and after that each time you
   change the library hierarchy in config.cgi):

   cd /openils/bin

   ./autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u

However, at this stage, we failed to get expected output from the console
which is describe on
The output we got is as below:

*opensrf at ubuntu904:~$ /openils/bin/autogen.sh -c
/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u
Updating Evergreen organization tree and IDL using

Updating fieldmapper
No Response from settings server...going to sleep*

A manual check of all related processes was performed, and no obvious
missing or dead processes were detected. Also, the next self-test step
failed too. The refered part in the document is as below:
Testing connections to Evergreen

Once you have installed and started Evergreen, test your connection to
Evergreen via srfsh:

   1. Start srfsh and try logging onto the Evergreen server using the
   default administrator user ID and password:

   srfsh% login admin open-ils

We only got partial output from the console, and it hang there forever, like
the web files generation step above. The console output is as below:
opensrf at ubuntu904:~$ /openils/bin/srfsh
srfsh# login admin open-ils

Received Data: "5208837a823a5fbd32c56a8fff00db9c"

Request Completed Successfully
Request Time in seconds: 0.001082

The following is taken from the last part of /openils/var/log/srfsh.log.

srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:45 [INFO:5932:osrf_system.c:415:] Bootstrapping
system with domain private.localhost, port 5222, and unixpath (none)
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:46 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:314:] open-ils.auth
session is stateless
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:46 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:325:] Building a new
client session with id [open-ils.auth] [1271932906.999825.12719329065932]
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:46 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:513:] AppSession
connecting to router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:46 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:466:] App Session
[open-ils.auth] [1271932906.999825.12719329065932] resetting remote id to
router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:46 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 0
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:46 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:466:] App Session
[open-ils.auth] [1271932906.999825.12719329065932] resetting remote id to
router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [INFO:5932:osrf_app_session.c:621:]
[open-ils.auth] sent 83 bytes of data to router at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:624:] Sent:
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 5
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:23:] Received message from
transport code from opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:50:] Transport handler
received new message
from opensrf at private.localhost/open-ils.auth_drone_ubuntu904_1271932755.595084_5803
to opensrf at private.localhost/_ubuntu904_1271932905.310778_5932 with body


srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:76:] Session
[1271932906.999825.12719329065932] found or built
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:84:] We received 1
messages from opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:141:] We connected
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:143:] State: 256ee80 =>
1271932906.999825.12719329065932 => 1
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [INFO:5932:osrf_stack.c:119:] Message processing
duration 0.000000
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:122:] after msg delete
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:536:]  * Connected
Successfully to open-ils.auth
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 0
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [INFO:5932:osrf_app_session.c:621:]
[open-ils.auth] sent 184 bytes of data to opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:624:] Sent:
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:437:] Pushing [1]
onto request queue for session [open-ils.auth]
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:139:] In app_request
receive with remaining time [120]
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 0
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:23:] Received message from
transport code from opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:50:] Transport handler
received new message
from opensrf at private.localhost/open-ils.auth_drone_ubuntu904_1271932755.595084_5803
to opensrf at private.localhost/_ubuntu904_1271932905.310778_5932 with body


srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:76:] Session
[1271932906.999825.12719329065932] found or built
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:84:] We received 2
messages from opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:189:] passing client
message 1 / session 1271932906.999825.12719329065932 to app handler
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:83:] App Session
pushing request [1] onto request queue
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [INFO:5932:osrf_stack.c:119:] Message processing
duration 0.000010
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:122:] after msg delete
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:149:]
app_request_recv received a message, returning it
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:139:] In app_request
receive with remaining time [120]
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 0
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:561:] AppSession
disconnecting from opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 0
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [INFO:5932:osrf_app_session.c:621:]
[open-ils.auth] sent 86 bytes of data to opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:624:] Sent:
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:466:] App Session
[open-ils.auth] [1271932906.999825.12719329065932] resetting remote id to
router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:664:] AppSession
[open-ils.auth] [1271932906.999825.12719329065932] destroying self and
deleting requests
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:314:] open-ils.auth
session is stateless
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:325:] Building a new
client session with id [open-ils.auth] [1271932907.002675.12719329075932]
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:513:] AppSession
connecting to router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:466:] App Session
[open-ils.auth] [1271932907.002675.12719329075932] resetting remote id to
router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 0
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:466:] App Session
[open-ils.auth] [1271932907.002675.12719329075932] resetting remote id to
router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [INFO:5932:osrf_app_session.c:621:]
[open-ils.auth] sent 83 bytes of data to router at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:624:] Sent:
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 5
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:23:] Received message from
transport code from opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:50:] Transport handler
received new message
from opensrf at private.localhost/open-ils.auth_drone_ubuntu904_1271932755.595084_5803
to opensrf at private.localhost/_ubuntu904_1271932905.310778_5932 with body


srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:76:] Session
[1271932907.002675.12719329075932] found or built
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:84:] We received 1
messages from opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:141:] We connected
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:143:] State: 25751a0 =>
1271932907.002675.12719329075932 => 1
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [INFO:5932:osrf_stack.c:119:] Message processing
duration 0.000008
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_stack.c:122:] after msg delete
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:536:]  * Connected
Successfully to open-ils.auth
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 0
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [INFO:5932:osrf_app_session.c:621:]
[open-ils.auth] sent 261 bytes of data to opensrf at private.localhost
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:624:] Sent:
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:437:] Pushing [1]
onto request queue for session [open-ils.auth]
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:139:] In app_request
receive with remaining time [120]
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 0
srfsh 2010-04-22 18:41:47 [DEBG:5932:osrf_app_session.c:652:] AppSession in
queue_wait with timeout 120

Thanks in advance.

Jing Tian
Shanghai, China
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