No subject

Fri Apr 16 10:15:54 EDT 2010

else would link to it.  The SS table would take its place in the new tree, =
and likely discard not only the 'marc' column, but also the 'creator', =
'editor', and 'edit_date' as well.  It also seems odd to me to retain a =
table named 'record_entry' which we hope eventually won't have any live =
MARC records in it.  That said, now that it is clear we are at least =
talking the same language, it actually *doesn't* (honestly!) really bother =
me to keep serial.record_entry as is with nullable 'marc' (and perhaps =
company).  I also know from this whole process that you have developed =
very good instincts in working this stuff out, so if your gut is telling =
you we need to stick with the SRE table, that's good enough for me.

> And I'm sorry if I sounded snippy in my previous email, it wasn't =

I didn't take it that way, but in any case, it can certainly be frustrating=
 to try to work through ideas using text when it could probably be hashed =
out in 20 minutes in person.  At least we will have some good documentation=
 about why we did things we did :)

Thanks again,

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