[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Importing patron records

Jeff Davis jdavis at sitka.bclibraries.ca
Wed Aug 25 22:30:37 EDT 2010

Anne Andres wrote:
> We are wondering if there is a way of importing batch patron records
> from a Student Management system into Evergreen?

Sitka uses a script to import records into Evergreen from a student
management system called Colleague.  One of our libraries sends us a CSV
file containing student records that have been exported from Colleague;
our script matches those records against existing patron accounts using
the student ID, which is stored in one of the ID fields in the patron
account (actor.usr.ident_value).  If the student is already in
Evergreen, the script updates the existing account's expiry date and
moves on.  If they're not in Evergreen yet, the script creates a brand
new patron account.  We do this up to five times a week at the start of
each term, and about once a month for the rest of the school year.  It
only takes a few minutes.

This isn't a sophisticated solution (it doesn't even have a web
interface), and it's tailored to one library's specific needs.  But I'd
be happy to send you what we've got if you think it would be helpful.
Jeff Davis
Sitka Implementation Team

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