[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Mac Staff Client

Grant Johnson fgjohnson at upei.ca
Wed Mar 10 15:50:50 EST 2010

I am having trouble with the Mac staff client in and
Most things seem to work fine.


If I choose to "Show Item Details"  of a record Item I get an error...

"FIXME:  util.widgets.set_text doesn't know how to handle treecol"

Clicking OK   10 times allows the display to appear.
But the display of the Item Summary is chopped off at the bottom.

I have tried copying the "Build" folder from a Windows client  into the
appropriate folder in the Mac Package. 
Same thing.

2 Questions:

1) Could it be an Xulrunner issue?
2) Would building a fresh client on the server and deploying it to Mac

F. Grant Johnson
  Systems Coordinator
  Robertson Library, University of Prince Edward Island
  902-566-0630(w),  902-393-4920(c)

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