Nathanael Schilling nathanaelschilling at gmx.net
Sat Jan 1 06:32:36 EST 2011

Ok, thanks for the pointer to those documents... I remembered they
existed somewhere, but was too tired then to look for them, so I just
thought putting it in the public domain would be easier.

On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 10:06 -0500, Dan Scott wrote:
> Hi Nathanael:
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 01:12:44AM +0300, Nathanael Schilling wrote:
> > Here's a patch to fix pcrud segfaulting when it gets no params.
> Thanks so much for reporting this bug & providing a patch & hanging out
> in IRC to discuss it! Even though the patch itself is only a few lines,
> I know how long it can take to track something like this down. Great
> work!
> > I hereby put it in the public domain, i hope that's enough.
> As it is only a few lines of code, issues of copyright and licensing are
> normally waived. For future submissions though, say if you decide to add
> a new feature (a fella can dream, can't he?!), I'll just point out the
> "Code Contribution" part of the "Procedures and conventions for
> contributing to the Evergreen project" document at
> http://www.evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=contributing
> One of the requirements of code submissions to Evergreen is that the
> code be submitted with a license that is either the GPL version 2 with
> the "or later versions" clause, or with a license that is compatible
> with the GPL.  In the eyes of the FSF, at least, "Public domain" falls
> under the "compatible with the GPL" list (because it is _not_
> copyrighted and no license is therefore needed).
> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html
> The other requirement of more complex contributions is a "Developer's
> Certificate of Origin" which is essentially a statement that you have the right
> to submit the code to the project.
> Again - none of this was required for your bug fix, and we are very
> thankful for your assistance! I'm just hoping that maybe, some day,
> you'll find these pointers to our project norms helpful for subsequent
> contributions :)

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