[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Post-conference developer day(s)?

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Wed Jan 5 22:30:02 EST 2011

Hey all:

With the Evergreen conference coming up in April, I was wondering
whether we should take advantage of our relative proximity and
the timing (2.0 out and hopefully a number of sites running it, 2.1
possibly out or just around the corner) and plan to stay an extra day or
two for a developer meeting-in-the-flesh to do some planning and
possibly even some coding. (Agenda / venue to be determined!)

I don't want to take anything away from the Hackfest - but that's
really supposed to have a different focus (surprise challenges, fun,
etc) and in the past I've found it hard to get serious work done during
the Hackfest... probably because I've ended up trying to do some
organization at the last minute, and probably because I usually have a
presentation or two to finish off for the following day.

Anyway - I haven't booked my flights for the conference yet, and I
wanted to canvass the other developers and contributors for their
thoughts about this before setting my agenda in stone. Thoughts?


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