[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Packaging Progress

Ben Webb bjwebb67 at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 30 18:43:12 EDT 2011

This past week I've been delayed somewhat due to a series of issues
I've had with boxgrinder. These are resolved now, and I'm close to
having a setup that is demoable.

I've also been working on creating packages based on the latest git
head, and automatically generating these each day. I've created
additionally repositories for these for Debian[1] and Ubuntu[2]. My
plan is to roll a version of the debian livecd based on these bleeding
edge packages.

I've made sure that my packages build on Debian sid (unstable), so
that I can begin the process of getting them adopted by Debian (sid is
the point of entry). I approached debian-mentors with one of my perl
packages to begin with, and its been suggested I work with the Debian
Perl team, who I am in the process of contacting.

Over the following week I will complete my boxgrinder instance and git
based repos (which I will extend to include fedora packages). I will
also begin creating tests that can be run automatically within the

[1] https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=home%3Abjwebb%3Aevergreen-git
[2] https://launchpad.net/~bjwebb67-googlemail/+archive/evergreen-git


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