[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Some comments & Suggestions for the EG 2.1.0 README as exists on the web site

Wolf Halton wolf.halton at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 15:46:49 EST 2011

This is a set of suggestions for the README.
Line 7 is a specific wish-list item but the rest is just a clean-up of some
good work by dbs and a lot of others here.


Install Prerequisites Section:
    Could have a link to the opensrf install instructions.  Without that
and without an opensrf user the rest of the instructions are difficult.

    It would be cool if the most recent opensrf and evergreen tarballs
could br aliased to opensrf-current.tar.gz and
Evergreen-ils-current.tar.gz.  This would make the installs simpler.

    At any rate, there needs to be some detail about
    wget http://www.evergreen-ils.org/downloads/Evergreen-ILS-2.1.0a.tar.gz
    tar xzf Evergreen-ILS-2.1.0a.tar.gz
    Remembering that the average person installing may well be using ssh to
a server without a gui for searching around, and judging from the list
traffic, I may not be the least-experienced person attempting to install
this product-suite.

"Configure OpenSRF for the Evergreen application" Section
    Before copying the new config files in, make a backup of your effective
config files.
    cp /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml.bak
    cp /openils/conf/opensrf.xml /openils/conf/opensrf.xml.bak
    This may help if you forgot to write down the ejabberd user passwords.

"Creating the Evergreen database" Section
    The very first sentence here says, "By default, the Makefile.install
prerequisite installer does not install the PostgreSQL 9.0 database server
required by every Evergreen system;.." This is untrue.  The
Makefile.install installs postgresql-9.0 by default.  What it doesn't do is
purge the postgresql-8.4 which is using the default postgresql port, 5432.
To get the next step to work, there has to be 2 things handled.
    1.) If you have an existing 8.4 evergreen database, there must be a
link to the "HOW-TO migrate your postgresql-8.4 database to 9.0" page and
    2.) A HOW-TO about purging the postgresql database and configuring your
postgresql-9.0 database.  This would go in just above the "For a standalone
PostgreSQL server, install the following Perl modules as the root Linux
account:" instruction.

    --To purge the PostgreSQL-8.4 Installation--
    1.) Make sure you do not have to migrate your database - if you do, go
whatever official HOW-TO is more current)
    2.) As the root user On Ubuntu or Debian:
    aptitude purge postgresql-8.4 postgresql-contrib-8.4
    3.) As root user on a Debian or Ubuntu machine, edit the following file
to point to the default network port:
    vi /etc/postgresql/9.0/main/postgresql.conf
    /port =        #approximately line 63
    port = 5432
    /etc/init.d/postgresql restart 9.0

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