Tim Spindler tspindler at cwmars.org
Wed Oct 12 08:33:06 EDT 2011

I posted this in developer chat yesterday but didn't get a response so I
thought I'd try here.  We have been doing some testing with EDI and I am
having problems where the EDI seems to run properly once.  This is what I
have done.

1. Boot up server
2. Start edi_webrick.bash by running the following command in opensrf
"./edi_webrick.bash".  This seems to hang sometimes and I get the following

export RUBYOPT=rubygems

ruby ./edi_webrick.rb &

opensrf at eg-training:/openils/bin/edi_translator$ [2011-10-12 08:02:20] INFO
 WEBrick 1.3.1

[2011-10-12 08:02:20] INFO  ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16) [i486-linux]

[2011-10-12 08:02:20] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=13575 port=9191

3. Waited about 15 minutes and did not get prompt so used control c to get
4. Issue command "ps aux|grep edi" and shows the process "opensrf  13575
 0.0  0.6  22320 12828 pts/1    S    08:02   0:00 ruby ./edi_webrick.rb"
5. Issue "./edi_pusher.pl" under opensrf and the orders are sent to the
vendors ftp site

However, the problem that arises now is that no orders created after this
are ever sent.  I checked the crontab log and the edi_pusher and edi_fetcher
process run hourly as set up and the stderr_acq.log has the following
messages repeated (no time stamp so I'm not sure when this happened)

Use of uninitialized value $p[3] in join or string at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/OpenSRF/Application.pm line 130.

The following are the lines I have in the crontab

10 * * * *  opensrf  cd /openils/bin && /usr/bin/perl ./edi_pusher.pl >
10 * * * *  opensrf  cd /openils/bin && /usr/bin/perl ./edi_fetcher.pl >

In the crontab log I'm getting the following and I'm not sure what the error

Oct  9 08:10:01 eg-training /USR/SBIN/CRON[22487]: (opensrf) CMD ( cd
/openils/bin && /usr/bin/perl ./edi_fetcher.pl > /dev/null)
Oct  9 08:10:01 eg-training /USR/SBIN/CRON[22488]: (opensrf) CMD ( cd
/openils/bin && /usr/bin/perl ./edi_pusher.pl > /dev/null )
Oct  9 08:10:04 eg-training /USR/SBIN/CRON[22484]: (CRON) error (grandchild
#22487 failed with exit status 255)

We are running

Evergreen 2.1 beta on  Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1


Tim Spindler

Manager of Library Applications

tspindler at cwmars.org

508-755-3323 x20
IM: tjspindler (AOL, meebo, google wave)

C/W MARS, Inc.

67 Millbrook St, Suite 201

Worcester, MA 01606

*P**   Go Green - **Save a tree! Please don't print this e-mail unless it's
really necessary.*
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