[OPEN-ILS-DEV] [GSoC 2013] Interested in developing full-text search functionality within Evergreen

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at yclibrary.net
Sat Apr 20 09:50:01 EDT 2013

Hi Nilesh,

The list tends to go a bit quieter on the weekend as people try to break
away from work a bit but I'm sure you'll hear from someone soon.  And
thanks for chiming in with interest!

On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Nilesh Chakraborty <nilesh at nileshc.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a 3rd year undergraduate student of computer science, pursuing my
> B.Tech degree at RCC Institute of Information Technology. I am proficient
> in Java, PHP and C#.
> I couldn't figure out which mentor to approach for this particular project
> idea, so I am emailing all three of you. :) Among the project ideas on the
> GSoC 2013 ideas page, the one particular idea that seemed really
> interesting to me is the one titled "Offer management and integration of
> full-text search of objects within Evergreen". I want to work on it. I
> think my experience will come of good use in this project.
> I am passionate about data mining, big data, search and recommendation
> engines, therefore this idea naturally appeals to me a lot. I have
> experience with building search functionality into a live production site,
> where I'm interning at. I used Sphinx with MySQL and was responsible for
> all the database configuration, trigger and index creation, and full-text
> search configuration. I have thorough experience with Sphinx and am willing
> to dig deeper into Lucene or learn SOLR if the need arises. I have a little
> experience with Lucene and using DefaultSimilarity (uses Cosine Similarity).
> I have a few questions. These clarifications will help me a lot to
> understand the current search functionality of Evergreen and what needs to
> be done to add full-text search of digital objects.
>    1. I have cloned the Evergreen repo from GitHub and browsed around the
>    code. Could you point me to the module/files that are used for searching
>    metadata currently?
>    2. As far as I understand from the "Problem" description, we basically
>    need to implement full-text search on text chunks that can be ebooks,
>    theses, dissertations etc. Is that right? Is there more to it? Please
>    provide more details.
>    3. Could you provide me with more details on your plans on how to
>    integrate the search with your system (ie. whether I should focus on
>    exposing a REST-API or a Java client, what API hooks or methods should be
>    there?)
> Please share your views, advise me on my next course of action should be,
> and do ask me if you have any questions. I'm looking forward to hearing
> from you very soon. :-)
> Cheers,
> Nilesh
> --
> A quest eternal, a life so small! So don't just play the guitar, build one.
> You can also email me at contact at nileshc.com or visit my website


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

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