[OPEN-ILS-DEV] 2013 Hack-A-Way

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at yclibrary.net
Thu May 9 14:03:16 EDT 2013

Calvin College in Michigan has been selected as the host of the Hack-A-Way
this year.  Dan Wells, well known in the developer community, is organizing
the hosting effort.

Some details:

- Dates: We are currently working on dates in the second half of September.
 Once Dan has those dates developers will vote on their preference.

The rest is pretty much copy and pasted from the proposal:

- Lodging: Guests would stay at our on-campus conference center.  The
discounted room rate would be $77.00 per night plus 15% tax (6% sales tax,
9% lodging tax).  You can read more about the accommodations here:

- Transportation: We will provide shuttle transportation to and from the
airport, and also for some evening excursions.

- Meeting space: Our primary space would be a large multi-purpose room
adjacent to the library.  We would also have flexibility to use multiple
conference rooms within the library if we wish to split up for any portion
of the event.

- Meals: Breakfast is provided by the conference center, and we will
provide lunch and beverages for all three working days.  Guests will be
responsible for dinner costs.


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

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