Kathy Lussier klussier at masslnc.org
Mon Dec 21 17:12:38 EST 2015

Hi all,

During the Evergreen hack-a-way last month, we had a discussion about 
encouraging/mentoring volunteers to become more active in contributing 
to Evergreen. As a result, I was thinking it might be good to have a New 
England/Northeast area Evergreen contributors group that could meet 
regularly (every two or three months) to work on skills to become more 
active contributors. Think of it as a mini hack-a-way with a regional focus.

To kick things off, I would like to invite other Evergreeners in the 
area to participate in a git day that we were originally planning to do 
solely among the MassLNC partners.

The intended audience for this day are those who have the skills to 
contribute some code or documentation to Evergreen, but who need help 
getting up to speed with contributing them to the working repository 
with git. It will be an informal session, and will involve the following:

I was planning to walk everyone through the process of pushing a code or 
documentation change to the Evergreen working repository. As such, I'm 
asking that people come prepared with a code or documentation change. 
Even if it's a custom code change you have on your server, it will be 
useful as an exercise to show you how it works. I find that you're more 
likely to understand how the process works if you actually push a change 
to the working repo, rather than watch somebody else doing it.

I'll also walk people through the process of signing off on somebody 
else's code using git.

Jason Stephenson from MVLC will also be on hand to talk to people about 
tracking local customizations using git.

If anyone is interested in attending, the event will be held starting at 
10 a.m. on Monday, January 25. The snow date is Monday, February 1. It 
will be held at C/W MARS headquarters in Worcester, MA and is open to 
any Evergreener who can make the drive to join us.

If you're interested in coming, please send me a direct email to let me 

Thanks all!

Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
klussier at masslnc.org
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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