[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Beta App Feedback

Geoff Sams GSams at roanoketexas.com
Wed Nov 25 16:43:46 EST 2015

Well, I fixed the issue with our SSL, turns out I has missed a step last time.

Now I can log in through the app, but unfortunately not much else.

I tried the Items Checked Out section first, and the app crashed after I pressed the button.

I tried to run a search, but after initiating the search the app crashed.

I could pull up the holds screen without issue, though I had no holds.  After placing a hold, I checked again and the app crashed.

The fines screen appears to work as intended though, even after adding a fine as a test.

If I hadn’t already let you know, I’m running this on a Nexus 6 with Android 6.0.

I’ll keep tinkering with things, but it seems like it simply doesn’t like working with me when items are involved.

Geoff Sams
Library Manager
Roanoke Public Library

From: Open-ils-dev [mailto:open-ils-dev-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of Ken Cox
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 9:19 PM
To: Evergreen Development Discussion List <open-ils-dev at list.georgialibraries.org>
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Beta App Feedback


What library are you trying to login to, GAPINES?  That error indicates some problem with SSL, either the CA or an intermediate are not trusted by Android.  I had this problem with https://mlnc4.mvlcstaff.org/eg/opac/home; Windows seems to trust its CAs but Android does not.  Only short term fix is not to use SSL (he said invitingly).  Longer term fix may be a trust chain fix to the site certs or custom code to accept those specific CAs*.


* see http://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl.html

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Geoff Sams <GSams at roanoketexas.com<mailto:GSams at roanoketexas.com>> wrote:
I'm at home so I haven't had a chance to really look into things closely, but I did pull up the app and attempt to login, but keep getting an error "Unable to contact login service."

Geoff Sams
Library Manager
Roanoke Public Library

From: Open-ils-dev [open-ils-dev-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org<mailto:open-ils-dev-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org>] on behalf of Justin Hopkins 📖 [justin at mobiusconsortium.org<mailto:justin at mobiusconsortium.org>]
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 7:40 PM
To: Evergreen Development Discussion List
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Beta App Feedback


So awesome. It feels cool just to log in and use the app. I know I
speak for everyone when I say how much we appreciate your hard work on

From my limited experience so far I'd offer the following:

[-7]: Perhaps we could use another, or expand on the .json file so
that we could include all libraries in a given consortium/system for a
more fine grained GPS based library suggestion
[-6]: Add the consortium level as an option for search scope
[-5]: Along the same lines, make user preferences already stored in
Evergreen accessible/applicable (default locations, etc) or store new
preferences for the app
[-4]: Show some indication of consortium/system/branch levels in
location dropdowns. It's not clear what is a system and what is a
branch, and could make it too easy to set a system as the pickup
location. I'm not sure how that would resolve.
[-3]: Electronic resources don't display their 856 links
[-2]: Subject and series information on the record pages could be links
[-1]: A common feature among library apps, or apps where searching for
books is a likely operation, is a barcode search - I think that would
be a nice addition.

Thanks again! I'm looking forward to playing around with this and
putting it more to use.


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