[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Installation changes to support alternate install paths again

Jeff Davis jeff.davis at bc.libraries.coop
Thu Aug 1 18:45:32 EDT 2019

Currently, web client automated tests use a hard-coded install path 
(/openils); the tests will not run correctly if you've installed 
Evergreen elsewhere.  I have a pull request on bug 1662297 which fixes 
this issue by making the web client tests use the install path that you 
specified when building Evergreen:


For this to work, it will be necessary to build Evergreen (i.e. run 
./configure && make) before running the web client tests.  That means 
the order of steps in the install process has changed, so we may need to 
update some build tools and install scripts, including the semi-official 
Ansible installer.

I'd like to see this bugfix included in Evergreen 3.4.  I'm drawing 
attention to it now in the hope that we can prepare in advance, rather 
than committing the fix to master and then watching our automated builds 
fail. :)

If there's a way to fix the problem without changing the install 
process, that would be cool too.
Jeff Davis
BC Libraries Cooperative

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